Ampersand Conference Table

Craftsman: Eagle's Nest Artistry

Austin-based Brian Allen-Aguilar created this 240″ long bookmatched conference table for The Ampersand Agency in Austin, Texas from two Berdoll Sawmill Texas Pecan slabs.

Berdoll Sawmill salvaged the log from a farmer’s pasture being cleared to install an irrigation system. The log was milled in 2014, air dried for over one year then kiln dried for 3 months to 6-8% moisture content. The slabs were then surfaced flat to equal thicknesses on our 100″ wide jointer/planer.

Brian meticulously filled voids with epoxy, hand sanded and finished the slabs with a Waterlox varnish. Along with design/build of the custom metal base. The table was completed and installed by Brian in the spring of 2018.

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