“Tree to Table” in Texas Architect Magazine

Texas Architect Magazine Featured Image
Brandon Berdoll sources all of his trees. His inventory includes slabs from a cottonwood that was buried 30 feet deep and dates to the year 1440. Some of his slabs are 20 ft. long and 1,000 pounds. Photo by Erika Huddleston.

Berdoll Sawmill is proud to be featured in the March/April 2017 issue of Texas Architect Magazine! Click to read the full article here.

Published: March/April 2017

“Sometimes, a disaster creates new growth. The 2007-2008 drought in Central Texas killed many large trees that couldn’t survive with the reduced rainfall. Brandon Berdoll began logging those dead specimens and founded Berdoll Sawmill near Bastrop in 2009. Yellow pine is commercially farmed in the Piney Woods in East Texas, but commercial plantations or managed forests for hardwoods are near-nonexistent in the state. Access to the Texas pecan, walnut, mesquite, bois d’arc, and escarpment cherry sold by Berdoll is not found in a traditional supply chain but through the relationships built during the 50 years that Berdoll’s family has lived in the region. The trees are scouted out in backyards, farms, and along roadsides. […]”

Berdoll Sawmill © 2009-2022

Photography, Berdoll Sawmill logos, and text property of Berdoll Sawmill unless otherwise noted.